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Moen Incorporated

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The Moen Wiki is a globally accessible knowledge base created by Moen associates like YOU who contribute, expand, and improve the content.  If you are familiar with Wikipedia, then you understand the concept and value of a Wiki.  If not, see how Wikipedia iteself defines what a Wiki is.

The Wiki is essentially an editable web site.  You create content and knowledge.  You update and enhance existing content.  You provide feedback on the value and accuracy of the content.  It can be used for your personal knowledge and notes, for a project in motion, or for process and department knowledge retention.

It's easy, fun and and your contributions can add value for all your peers around the globe!


Interested in Wiki capability but not sure how to START?

Send an email to the IT team that supports the Wiki.  Better to ask for a little design advice and best practice insight BEFORE you start than to spend hours adjusting and cleaning up later on!  30 minutes of discussion about your plans and requirements is all that's needed to ensure a successful start to leveraging the Wiki in your project team or work group.

help.jpg NEED HELP working in the Wiki once you get rolling?  ("How To", best practice, tip-n-tricks, etc...) 

  1. Check out the Moen Wiki Guide.  It's the Moen created Wiki help content.  And, feel free to update it to improve the content!
  2. If you want some help / insight from MindTouch themselves, check out their user help site which is  Their site contains LOTS of useful How To information from the basics to advanced concepts!
  3. Want to discuss best practice, not really sure how to get started, or just have a question about working in the Wiki?  Contact the team that supports it.



Want to learn about OTHER collaboration tools?
 The Wiki rocks of course!  However Moen does offer a variety
of other software tools that you and your team may find useful.

 t  to  to ge Click here for an overview of other available software that supports
improvement in associate productivity and collaboration...


yes.jpgThere are RULES for using the Wiki.  But just ONE...

  1. "ABC"  (Appropriate Business Content) - Don't post anything that you don't want everyone to see with YOUR name on it as the author.  The Wiki is a BUSINESS tool for BUSINESS purposes! 

In general, write objectively, be respectful, and add value to the organization. 

Just remember "ABC" and you're good to go! 

(But seriously... remember that Moen has HR policies regarding proper decorum and behavior in all forms of electronic media... Including the Wiki...)


NO.jpgThe Wiki should NOT be used for...

Truly confidential or strategic information! 

Remember that the Wiki is a "public" knowledge base for ALL Moen associates. 

Information such as financial data (cost, margin, etc), confidential product design data or other things you really wouldn't want taped to the wall in the hallway, probably aren't the best things to post into the Wiki.  Rumb of thumb is, if you wouldn't save the information onto a Public network share drive, then don't put it in the Wiki either.  Confidential data needs to be kept confidential.


Wiki Etiquitte

Outside of "play nice" and be civil, there are some general etiquitte guidlines that people tend to follow when working on Wikipedia and other Wiki platforms.  Here are the biggies...

  • Assume good faith. People don't purposely post inaccurate, misleading or inflamatory content.  Help them make it better.
  • Remember that text comes without facial expressions, vocal inflection, or body language. Be careful choosing the words you write: what you mean might not be what others understand. Likewise, be careful how you interpret what you read: what you understand might not be what others mean.
  • Work towards agreement.
  • Argue facts, not personalities.
  • Recognize your own biases, and keep them in check.
  • Give praise when due. Everybody likes to feel appreciated, especially in an environment that often requires compromise. Drop a friendly note In the Comments box or use the Like voting buttons at the top of each page
  • The world is a big place, with different cultures and conventions. Do not use jargon that others might not understand. Use acronyms carefully and clarify if there is the possibility of any doubt.
  • Be focused single-mindedly on writing an encyclopedia
  • Recognize and praise the best work: work that is detailed, factual, well-informed, and well-referenced
  • Work to understand what neutrality requires, and why it is so essential to and good for this project
  • Treat your fellow productive, well-meaning members of Wikipedia with respect and good will
  • Support and honor good people who know a lot and can write about it well


PEARLS OF WISDOM about working effectively in the Wiki...

  • BEFORE you click on NEW PAGE, look to see where you are in the site/page hiearchy!!!  Your new page will always be added "below" the current page you are positioned on.  Think about it like adding words or chapters in a book.  Are you adding more detail in an existing chapter, or are you adding a whole new chapter to the book...  New Page adds the page BELOW where you are now.
  • Always SEARCH for content first.  Maybe the content you are about the post is already in the Wiki.  And that's ok.  Using modern Wiki thinking, you can add to it or improve it.  DON'T DUPLICATE it if you can help it.  Always take a look around first.
  • It's not HER content or HIS content, it's OUR content.  The Wiki content belongs to everyone at Moen so it's ok to update, augment or correct content - even if you are not the original author of a page.  It's ok.  Honest.
  • Contribute!  Think of the Wiki as a pool of knowledge that WE know.  Add, explain, give examples, keep it current, correct mistakes, comment on value with Like and Dislike votes, etc.  What you know about a business processes, events, acronyms, customers, key systems details or even like in your own department can be valuable insight to others in the company.  Remember, "No one is as smart as ALL of us...."  So use the Wiki to document and to share!
  • What if I really mess up the page content by accident?  No worries!  The easy answer is don't Save.  But if you did, all pages in the Wiki can be "rolled back" to a previous version of the page with the click of a mouse.  If you really don't like your page result, just re-edit it or roll it back to a prior version.
  • How relevant is what you will post?  Does it add value to the organization?  Will it be relevant for more than a few days? Does it clarify, explain or document?  Remember to think of the Wiki as a "knowledge base".  If it's trivial, short lived or non essential, perhaps it might be better saved somewhere else. 


 Still have questions or need some general advice?

  • Got a question or issue for the Wiki site administrators, or need a little advice? Send us an email!
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